Did you know that eating the right foods can help heal and strengthen your hair?
#1 Antioxidants: Vitamin E stimulates hair growth, while Vitamin A and C add shine by increasing the production of sebum. Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands, which are attached to the hair follicles and prevent hair from drying out. We all know that dryness can cause major breakage! Oh and Vitamins A, C and E will improve the circulation to the scalp too. Find them in greens, carrots, apricots, citrus and kiwi.
#2 Essential Fatty Acids: Another thing that will improve a dry scalp is some fat in your diet. That’s right… FAT! Key word being some, lol! Find them in avocados, walnuts and flax seeds as well as Omega - 3 rich fish like tuna, salmon and halibut.
#3 Biotin: Want to ward away graying and hair loss? Sha! Experts say by eating foods rich with this B Vitamin, like almonds, bananas, strawberries, milk, egg yolks, liver, and rice is key. Not to mention, B7 will also thicken those tresses! Hungry yet?
#4 Folic Acids: Asparagus, citrus, peas, lentils, and turkey all contain folic acids, which will help deliver nutrients to the hair, promote growth and give you the hair you crave.
#5 Protein: Since hair is composed mostly of keratin protein, it is a no brainer that eating foods rich high in protein such as meat, eggs, seeds, nuts, and beans will reinforce the hair follicle and is essential for body and luster.
#6 Calcium: Got milk? By now everyone knows that calcium builds strong bones. But wait… there’s more! Hair and nails are byproducts of healthy calcium absorption. Proper absorption of calcium leads to improved blood circulation, which increases scalp circulation, allowing for adequate blood flow to the hair follicles. And yes, you guessed it, this is a vital nutrient to help your hair grow. You can also find calcium in strawberries, broccoli, cheese, and yogurt.
#7 Selenium: Struggling with dandruff, try selenium. This is found in Brazilian nuts, shellfish, whole grains, meat, fish, oatmeal and broccoli. It helps exfoliate the scalp. Research has also shown that an activity of this mineral is its anti-aging properties and its ability to rid the body of free radicals. Double bonus!
#8 Zinc: Found in foods such as red meat, eggs, oysters, peanuts and shellfish, this mineral helps to prevent hair loss. A diet lacking in zinc will cause a host of icky scalp problems and hair shedding.
#9 Iron: Adding foods high in iron to your diet will make hair healthy, stronger and thicken texture. Some excellent sources of iron include dark leafy greens, fortified cereal, lean red meat, nuts, and turkey. So start pumping some iron today!
#10 Water: Drink four to six glasses a day to keep your hair hydrated, plumped and smooth! Tap water can often taste bad depending on where you live, but it can contain silica, which is a mineral that is vital to the strength of your hair and can stop breakage. Silica also improves your hair’s elasticity. Your skin will thank you too.
As you can see, it is not just what you put on your tresses that count, it is what you put in your body too, so eat (and drink) your way to beautiful, healthy, shiny hair!