From the CEO to the kid in the mailroom, the recession has left no job unturned. Employers are searching for ways to cut back and employees are overworking themselves to make sure they’re not the ones on the chopping block. In a situation as serious as an economic recession unlike any historic financial crisis in its’ past, stress levels are at their highest. Question is, what happens when the stress starts to appear on more than just the face?
One of the symptoms of a heightened level of stress is hair loss. It’s not uncommon so don’t feel bad if you’re in your 20s or 30s and it’s happening sooner than you expected. There is hope for preservation of the hairline. View it as an indication that stress management needs to kick in. It would still be recommended to see a doctor just to make sure stress is the culprit of hair loss. Here are some ways to manage the stress in your life:
1. Make positivity #1- Well…yes, it’s number one on this list but make it number one in your life as well. Whether it’s refusing to wallow in your disappointment about being passed over for a promotion or pressing ‘Ignore’ when that one friend calls to dump all her issues on you (and yes, we all have one of those friends), it’s time to let go of negativity and move forward. Encourage yourself when you wake up. Make a decision that you are going to conquer the day! You can do it! You’ll feel better for it!
2. Learn to say “N-O!”- Think of the D.A.R.E. program when we were in school. The slogan was “Just say No!” Why? Because drugs are bad for your body! Stress is bad for your body too! Prioritize what’s important and move accordingly. You’re not a bad person if you say no! You’re extremely wise once you get this one down pat!
3. Break a sweat!- Seriously, stress can be reduced with a simple 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. Breathe the fresh air and allow yourself time to become energized and in tune with your thoughts all while toning those legs for that skirt you want to wear at that party next month! In the summertime, the sun sets later so take some time after work and just go! Just make sure to hit the showers after the workout and shampoo all the dirt and sweat out of your hair with Organix shampoo and conditioner!
4. Treat yourself!- Have some sort of reward at the end of an arduous task. “Once I finish cleaning my room, I will treat myself to a bouquet of lovely tulips!” Think of something that will help make the work seem less like work so that you’ll look forward to completing a task. It makes life a little sweeter!
5. Phone a friend!- Have a least one friend that you can confide in and let your guard down with. After a while, talking to yourself or your imaginary friend can only do so much. It’s nice to have someone to bounce things off of over dinner and get some sympathy and solutions (and perhaps a free meal) out of!
Remember stress can only beat you if you let it! Use these tips and you’re well on your way to becoming the stress management queen for good!!!