Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Earth Day: It’s Easy Being Green!

I don’t want to alarm anyone, but bunnies, monkeys, cats, dogs, guinea pigs… none of them have human hair. I know, I know – no big shocker there, right? There is a connection. Way too many human hair care products are tested on these animals (and many more). Some do it overtly, some try to skirt the issue by stating that the finished product isn’t tested on animals (the individual ingredients? Now that’s a different story).

Organix makes it easy to be green. No sneaky language, no dodging responsibility. Organix doesn’t test on animals, period. They even take it one step further and only accept ingredients that can verify they aren’t tested on animals. So, not only can you read on every bottle that Organix doesn’t test on animals, you can also rest assured that even their suppliers are fur-ball friendly.

So how else is Organix helping out Mother Earth? Their products are 100% sulfate free. Why does that matter? Sulfates are nasty buggers, causing everything from skin and eye irritation to emitting toxic fumes when heated. Makes that steamy shower a bit less appealing, huh? Not to mention that they kill fish and pollute ground water in a big way. The fish will thank you (along with your skin and hair!) for using Organix!

Bonus? When you’ve used up your first bottle and you’re ready to toss it (and go get your next one, you’ll be hooked!) – no worries. The bottle is made from recycled post-consumer resin, the label is compostable, and even the ink is environmentally friendly. You can feel good throwing the bottle in your recycling, and even better picking up the next yummy scent you’re dying to try!

Oh, and there’s the obvious – the ORGANIC active ingredients! Not only do they make all the products in the Organix line smell DELISH…you can rest assured that those oh-so-yummy scents aren’t harming you or the earth. Show Mother Earth and your senses some love and celebrate this Earth Day with some Organix – it’s a win-win for everyone!

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