Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's Electric!

You’ve seen the headlines – winter arrived early this year, dumping snow on much of the east coast just in time for Halloween. With cold weather, we get that frustrating flyaway, static hair. Argh!!! So what can you do to keep your hair in place and looking great, regardless of what Mother Nature throws our way?

First, let’s look at what causes flyaway hair, and why it happens primarily in the winter. It all goes back to atoms, and that proton/neutron/electron stuff you learned way back in elementary school. (Who knew it would relate to managing your hair? Maybe we would have paid more attention!)

The electrons in an atom have a negative charge. They are loose, floating around the center, and can move from atom to atom. The protons in the center have a positive charge. An atom that loses electrons, such as when two items are rubbed together, has more positive charge because it has more protons left than electrons.

Back to your hair: when you take off your winter hat, it rubs against your hair. Electrons move from your hair to the hat. A static charge builds up because now each of the hairs has a positive charge. Things with the same charge repel each other. (Think magnets.) So your hair strands try to get as far from each other as possible, standing up and away from the others. The result? A bad hair day.

But there’s a solution. In moister environments, like the humid summer months, the static would simply disperse through the air and not build up. In the winter when the air is dry and the heat is on, the static flows directly to your hair. Add some moisture, and voila! Your hair stays smooth and static free.

That’s where we can help. Applying Organix Moroccan Argan Oil to your hair infuses the necessary moisture into each strand, keeping the static look at bay. It also heals and renews your hair from the damaging dry heat indoors and the freezing temperatures outdoors , while creating softness and strength in every strand.

Organix offers three types of Moroccan Argan Oil so you can choose the best one for your hair type.
-- Organix Renewing Moroccan Argan Oil works well for all hair types.
-- Organix Light Penetrating Oil is great for pampering fine, brittle and delicate textured hair.
-- Or if your hair is coarse, damaged or dry, whip it into shape with Organix Extra Penetrating Oil.

With Organix Moroccan Argan Oil products, you can fight back at winter, its drying effects, and the resulting static. Take off that winter hat and show off your smooth, sexy tresses!

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