Friday, November 18, 2011

Organix Reality Makeover: A Real Customer Shares Her Real Transformation

One of the best parts of working here at Organix HQ is hearing the feedback from satisfied customers -- like Cynthia Leon who sent us rave reviews on Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy 30 Day Smoothing Treatment. Cynthia happily agreed to share “Before” and “After” photos and answer some interview questions. Enjoy!

Describe your hair before you tried this Organix Smoothing Treatment. What didn’t you like about it?

BEFORE: "excessively tangled,
dull and difficult to manage."
Prior to using Organix Ever Straight Brazilian Keratin Therapy, I did not like the overall condition of my hair: dry with brittle appearing ends, excessively tangled, dull and difficult to manage any form of hair style. I would wash and style my hair to be the best of my ability each morning, but by the time I arrived to my office my hair didn’t look the way it did prior to leaving the house. My hair would fall limp where I had applied hairspray or it appeared as if I had a shelf in front – ouch. I walked around with my hair like this for years. Double ouch.

Have you tried similar products before? At home or in the salon? Were your results satisfactory?

I had previously tried deep conditioning products by Paul Mitchell and Redkin at home but the results were not intense nor long lasting. I still had plenty of waves in my hair, far less tangled but I never gained control of my hair for styling.

What were your thoughts when you found the 30 Day Smoothing Treatment in the store?

When I found the 30 Day Smoothing Treatment on the store shelf my immediate thought was “hmmm, this sounds familiar to the hair straightening method the salon quoted me for $500.” I grabbed a box, saw that the product was new on the market and thought for $14.99, this product claims to straighten hair by up to 95% for up to 30 days, I knew I could not go wrong and so my unknown journey into hair transformation was about to unfold. It’s so exciting to read back my thoughts and I stand behind my results 100%.

Tell us what you thought about the process of using it versus what your expectations were.

The process was virtually effortless. After I applied the product I waited the full 30 minutes before blow drying. My expectations were to really have more straight hair and shiny. I kept expectations low as I had never previously come across a product that loved my hair so much! The product far exceeded my anticipated expectations – I was in awe.

Describe your hair after you tried the product. What were the immediate improvements? Were there any improvements you didn’t expect? What were they?

AFTER: "The improvements
were 100% in appearance,
luster, manageability, non-
frizzy and body."
After using the product my hair was TRANSFORMED – literally. Using the product resulted in me attaining completely straight hair, amazing. The improvements were 100% in appearance, luster, manageability, non-frizzy, and body. I have quite a bit of hair and did not even require the entire bottle – unbelievable. I was proud of my revitalized hair. I stared in the mirror for a full hour saying to myself “no way.” I combed through my hair, the tangles had vanished. I went to bed and woke up with my hair appearing in the same condition. A few combs and I was out the door. The improvements gained were unimaginable as I never, in my wildest thoughts believed that I could have beautiful, shiny, healthy looking hair.

Have you received any comments or reactions about your new look? Tell us about some of them.

The first people to see my new look were my co-workers and to summarize their comments makes my eyes water:
1. WOW
2. I didn’t recognize you
3. Your hair looks amazing, so you finally got it done (meaning the hair salon at $500)
4. Your hair looks so healthy, I really like it
5. How did you do that?
6. What did you use?
7. Do you mind if I try that on my hair, too? (too cute)
8. Was it hard to apply?
9. You look stunning
10. You look beautiful

Do you intend to use this product again and/or recommend it to a friend? If so, why?

I can’t imagine going back to the “old” hair I used to have, O-M-G NO! I have also recommended this product to my friends. The greatest part is their initial reaction to the appearance of my hair, they get past that and then ask “what did you do?” Thus, I share my wonderful experience and they can’t get over the transformation and the price – we’re cost conscious minded, more value for the dollar is our hope, the results far outweigh the cost – I am still in awe – thank you very much.

I am a customer of life and here is why.

Using this product has not changed my hair but transformed it. I have not used that term often in my day to day life. I am no longer obsessed with washing my hair each morning and “wishing” for it to look okay. I no longer have to spend $16 on hairspray each month nor pretend it actually held my hair in place (please!). I have style now with a respectable and professional looking appearance. No matter how naive one may be about perception of appearance and hair “hair matters, period.” This product was made for me is how I truly feel. Also, my hair now looks the same way it did when I left my home for the day, that is priceless to me. Outdoor elements, wind, bring it on – I just need my comb. This is a master definition of hair transformation. I did it! (yes, with your help!)

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